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Matching entries matching “style wars” from KELP - graffiti meets design


Desde la editorial alemana Snoeck nos llega una de sus publicaciones titulada Schlachtenpanorama de Patricia Bucher

Este si que es un libro diferente. No se si llamarle libro por que al momento de abrirlo se extiende en 60 páginas para ser un gran Leporello de 12 metros de largo!

Sorprendentes estimados lectores en
Schlachtenpanorama se ha demorado 3 años en ser realidad.

La autora Patricia Bucher ha generado una exposición con una impresionante impresión de 360° en donde el expectador puede trasladarse hacia una batalla campal tremenda.

Es justamente esta imágen impresa de 10 metros de diámetro, 30 de largo y 60cm de ancho que el libro Schlachtenpanorama resume en 12 metros.

Una idea como no la había visto antes....

Además el libro incluye un pequeño libro de 48 páginas que es una conversación sobre la batalla retradada.

Muy interesante.


Lo más sorprendente aún es que son aprox. 3000 imagenes, desde dibujos, pinturas, reportajes, etc. que la artista ha reunido para generar esta batallla.

Hasta tenemos juegos de computación incluidos. Veo por ahí algunos Troopers de Star Wars por ejemplo!

Muy recomendable!

Schlachtenpanorama lo puedes encontrar directamente acá.


JR en el Port of le Havre, Francia


En palabras del propio artista frances JR:

I fulfilled my promise. At 7am, the 363 meter long ship left the Port of le Havre, France to cross the world all the way to Malaysia...

In 2007, I started Women Are Heroes. To pay tribute to those who play an essential role in society, but who are the primary victims of war, crime, rape or political and religious fanaticism, I pasted portraits and eyes of women on a train in Kenya, a Favela in Brazil, a demolished house in Cambodia.
They gave their trust and they asked for a single promise "make my story travel with you".
I did it: on the bridges of Paris and the walls of Phnom penh, the building of New York, etc.
I wanted to finish Women Are Heroes with a ship leaving a port, with a huge image which would look microscopic after a few minutes, with the idea of these women who stay in their villages and face difficulties in the regions torn by wars and poverty facing the infinity of the ocean. It did not happen at the time...

But during the last 10 days, we pasted 2600 strips of paper on the containers with the dockers of the port ...

And this morning we saw the ship leaving the port. I have no idea of what is in the other containers on the boat: stuff from people leaving a country to build a different life in another region, goods that will be transformed, worn, eaten in a different country. I have no idea where and how people will see this artwork but I am sure that some women far away will feel something today ....

And in Le Havre, we are exhausted and proud

Respeto! Saludos KELP

Ernest Zacharevic en Warsaw, Polonia


Style Wars 2 - Trailer

Se viene el próximo estreno de la secuela de Style Wars.

About Style Wars 2

Style Wars 2 is a Graffiti documentary produced by Veli and Amos, a
Swiss-Slovenian artist duo. The movie is a sequel of the cult movie
"Style Wars" from 1983 and gives an update on today's Graffiti and
Street Art scene, in a very unique and entertaining format.

years after the release of Style Wars, the movie that helped spread the
graffiti movement from New York around the world, Veli and Amos, the
producers and main protagonists of Style Wars 2, hit the road to
discover new graffiti styles and meet the artists behind. A wild journey
takes them from Europe to New York and the Middle East, from galleries
to war zones.

The movie is a well-quoted homage to the original
Style Wars movie and at the same time tells the personal story of Veli
and Amos. Even though the movie's main focus is on graffiti, it
approaches the topic in a much broader way, and also alludes to
politics, art and lifestyle.

Small Talk with Veli & Amos

Urban Art NOW: For those that don't know you, who are Veli & Amos, and what inspired you to do Style Wars 2?

Veli & Amos: We have been working as an artist duo since 2008. We
both studied art and we regularly present our work in galleries all over
the world as well as in public space. Style Wars 2 is our first feature
film.The only inspiration to do a project like this came, when we first
saw the Style Wars 1 film. We used the quote the movie over and
over..We started to film our friends at first and then slowly a story
developed organically..

Urban Art NOW: Can you explain the significance of the original Style Wars?
Veli & Amos: Style wars is a cult movie.Everybody who cares about graffiti has seen Style Wars or Wild Style.

Urban Art NOW: What has been the general response (then) of two guys
from Slovenia and Switzerland making a sequel to a movie that holds such
an enormous cultural relevance?
Veli & Amos: We watched Style
Wars so many times that we knew it by heart. We saw parallels and
relations between 30 years before and today..We were motivated to
capture the styles and philosophy of contemporary and old school
writers. By exploring those connections we found new stories and
positions that are not present in Style Wars.
Years ago when we
showed the first raw cut of the film to Henry Chalfant, he was sceptic
about it. But after watching it, he just fell in love with the project
and since then he is supporting us..
Our close friends thought its a joke because it took us so long time to finish it.

We could also see the public response after we published 2 trailers on
Youtube. Many people didnt't believe its happening, they thought its
impossible to make Style Wars 2. If we look 5 or 6 years back, we would
probably think the same.. But we did it!

Urban Art NOW: You guys did make sure to have all the OG's on board, when can we expect Style Wars 2 to be available worldwide?

Veli & Amos: During the past 5 years, we filmed over 100 hours of
footage, simultaneously developing the story board, with support of our
friends and editors Jan Gassmann and Adrian Aeschbacher. The movie was
realized without support of a professional production company nor a big
budget, instead we founded "No Money Production. Style Wars 2 is our
personal view on graffiti today, our aim was not to cover or make a
statement about worldwide graffiti.We are still searching for right
people who are interested to distribute the film in their own countries
or world wide.

Urban Art NOW: Last question: what is the craziest adventure you guys had while shooting the Style Wars 2 footage?

Veli & Amos: We had many adventures its hard to pick up one.
Meeting Henry Chalfant, Blade, Seen of course. Our personal travel
adventures, struggeling and sneaking through without money. But probably
our trips to Israel and Palestine were the most intense..

Interview by Alex Pope

El Tono en Varsovia, Polonia


Gran registro de este artistas visual español en Polonia.

Sepe y Chazme en Varsovia, Polonia

Entrevista al grafitero Lee de 1989!

Desde el Blog del grafitero danés Bates.

Lee es uno de los pintores leyendas de la cultura del graffiti neoyorquino y mundial. Él junto a grafiteros como Dondi y Futura forjaron lo que hoy se conoce como graffiti!

The Vader Project

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"The Vader Project" has asked some of today's hottest underground artists and designers and pop surrealist painters to decorate the iconic Darth Vader helmet from the Star Wars films and the results of their work is currently on display until May3 2009 at The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Via y más info acá

Así es! Al parecer existen 29 horas de la emblemática película Style Wars que nunca han sido vistas. Los clásicos Outtakes ahora verán el aire y te informaré a través de

Identidad chilena o importada

El graffiti es trasgresor al "ocupar el soporte que no fue diseñado para tal efecto, en apoderarse del espacio, interviniendo el entorno para que se vea distinto."

No es democrático el hecho de hacer graffiti, "es una forma de ganarse un espacio con tus colores y tratando de sobresalir". Se llega y se hace.

En general la identidad del graffiti chileno pasa necesariamente

por la individualidad de los escritores y sus estilos. Los que recién comienzan a pintar tienen mucha influencia del graffiti en el exterior.

Recién con el paso de los años, cuando se adquiere y practica un estilo particular, se asoma una posible identidad propia del país en que se vive. Brasil es un caso donde se manifiesta fuertemente

la identidad local. Ahí existe un tipo de rayado que se denomina pixaçaos. Son rayados callejeros realizados en lugares extremos de las grandes ciudades como Rio de Janeiro o Sao Paolo. Los

realizadores son llamados pixadores y generalmente arriesgan sus vidas al tratar de rayar sus mensajes. Los pixadores no se consideran escritores de graffiti. Los mensajes de los pixacaos varían pero muchas veces son simples frases como Dios te quiere. Los pixadores buscan la adrenalina y el peligro y forman gran parte de la identidad del graffiti en Brasil.

Proveniente de EE.UU, claramente el graffiti chileno tuvo todas las influencias de las películas como Beat Street o Style Wars y no por un desarrollo íntegramente nacional.

Para Drips, escritor de graffiti chileno, existen ciertos rasgos en el graffiti chileno que constituyen una identidad. "Un graffiti en una micro es la identidad de Santiago, no es la identidad de Nueva York.


Históricamente se asocia una identidad chilena propia al mural político por sobre el graffiti. "En nuestro tiempo en Chile ha sido discriminado el graffiti porque se ve como una forma cultural importada de EE.UU," dice Eduardo Castillo quien ha estudiado el tema de los murales en Chile.


Derechos reservados KELP.


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